
About Us:

Ruth and Emilie met during their senior year at Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Our friendship began with food – as we had a standing lunch date once a week to have lunch between classes – grew to include designing & creating jewelery, and, has now come full circle back to food.
Over the years we have continued to support each other through career difficulties, purchasing new homes,  going back to school, heartbreak, and huge life changes. This support usually comes with a glass of wine or a couple fingers o’ whiskey,  or occasionally an extra hand around the the house. It wasn’t until a few years ago, when Ruth graciously let Emilie live with her for a month, that our mutual love of cooking inspired us to let our figurative and literal juices flow. This blog is the result of our creative friendship.

About Ruth:

I have many interests, so why choose to blog about food? Well, you see, Emilie had me in this half nelson and wouldn’t let me go until I agreed to this joint venture. Just kidding! What she did was hold my poor mojito hostage! Yes, kidding again. Honestly, blogging about food just makes sense. You have to eat, right? What better way to reclaim a bit of your life back after being sucked dry by the rat race? Not creating jewelry or crafting something for the home ultimately will not kill me. I am living proof of that. Not eating…I think we know what would happen and it wouldn’t be me fitting into my high school size 0 jeans. My body and I have an understanding that that will never happen again for as long as I live (hint, hint).
What accomplishment you feel when you sit down to a meal that you just prepared.  Maybe it tastes like victory. On another day, maybe it tastes like serenity. Whatever it tastes like, chances are it is far better for your body and soul than anything that comes through a drive through window. Now take that feeling to the next level. How about cooking for family and friends? Even when sprinkled with stress, I think you know what I am talking about.
It amazes me how much something you HAVE to do can be so much more than fuel for bodily functions if only we let it. That is why I decided to join my friend on this culinary adventure. Why not join us for the ride?

About Emilie:

I’ve often wondered why I need a living room in my home. Sure, it’s the best place to lounge around and watch a movie, but it has never been the meeting place in my home. That honor is reserved for the kitchen. When you come to my place, expect to be handed a glass of wine and given a chair (or in one house a lovely spot on a freshly scrubbed floor – there was no room for chairs in that kitchen). If you’re  lucky, you’ll also be handed a knife and cutting board or a spoon and pot. This blog is like my virtual kitchen, a place to gather, share food, friendship, and good times.

abby!!September 2014 saw me making some huge changes in my life when my partner, Tom, and I moved from the East Coast, where I’d lived for over three-quarters of my life, to Austin, Texas. It’s been an amazing experience, just ask our dog Abby, who has learned to swim in Austin’s many rivers and creeks and met her first deer and gecko in her first week in Austin. I continue to advocate for privacy in my career and, when I’m not hiking with Abby and Tom, I am exploring Texas wine country, and learning how to cook with fresh Hatch chilies.

14 responses to “About

  1. Love your sense of humor

  2. I love your outlook on life , keep up the great blog.I gave you a follow so i’m hoping to catch your most recent post.take care.

  3. Very cute blog!! Love the title ‘corkandspoon’. We are two girls blogging as well 🙂

    • Thank-you, JulieC! It’s always fun to have an ongoing project with a friend. Looks like you and JulieB are having a great time with your blog as well 🙂 Totally love the “We’re going to grow on you” line! Very cute! ~Ruth

  4. You have a great blog!

  5. Pingback: Dutch Oven Rustic Garlic Chicken | corkandspoon

  6. Hi, I love your blog and I chose you for the Liebster blog award. There’s a bit more information about it on my blog so check it out and you can pass the award on to others 🙂


  7. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and your compliments! 🙂 I’ve enjoyed looking at your blog- you have some great recipes! I’ll be back to look some more. Thanks again. 🙂

    • Aw, thank-you, Cheryl! Seeing all the cool ideas out there is one of my favorite things about blogging 🙂 I love that one of your categories is “Give in to Your Sweet Cravings”! I do that a little too often lol!

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